Upcoming In-Person Intuitive Reiki Classes
Intuitive Reiki Level One; Saturday September 28th & Saturday October 19th - 10am to 4pm
Intuitive Reiki Level One is about Self Love, we discuss what Reiki is and how to use it.
We learn how to do a Self Healing session, which is part of the 21 day homework assignment.
After 21 days, we get together virtually, to discuss the past 3 weeks.
A Reiki session is demonstrated. Lunch is provided, along with a certificate of completion and a detailed manual.
This is more than a Reiki class, it is also a life class that helps you learn how to bring life force energy into your life consciously.
Tuition: $250 4 person limit (classes are held in my home - I have a cat)
Intuitive Reiki Level 2: Saturday, November 16th & Saturday December 14th - 10 am to 4 pm
Intuitive Reiki Level 2 is the practitioner course, this is the time to share Reiki with others, whether professionally or with family and friends.
You will learn symbols that heighten the Reiki energy, these symbols will be used in the long distance portion of the class. I arrange ahead of time
a recipient so that the students can practise on someone, and receive feedback right away. This is not only confidence building, it truly shows that energy can be 'sent' and 'received' without having to be touched or even in the same country. Lunch is provided, along with a certificate of completion and a detailed manual.
Tuition: $390 4 person limit
What is Reiki?
I've come to see Reiki as Conscious Love, everyone does Reiki, they simply are not aware of it. An example of this is; when a young child falls down and hurts them selves, the mother's heart opens and before they are able to reach the child their heart opens and sends love, when they arrive to the child, they hold them and kiss their booboos away.
This is conscious love.
Intuitive Reiki open's us up to the Life Force Energy that is already all around us, it turns on the light switch within us, so we may consciously allow our bodies be a vessel of conscious love & light.
"The course was fabulous -- the one-on-one structure allowed the class to be tailored to me, with lots of time for questions and discussions. It was a true pleasure, looking forward to more!" M.M
Learn Reiki Online,
In-Person, Private or in Group
Online Private Intuitive Reiki Level One
Level One Reiki is about opening up to our innate ability to heal ourselves, to love ourselves and become the life force energy in our daily lives.
During these trying times, many of us are now seeing that there is more to this life that meets the eye. Reiki helps us tap into our divine essence, our higher selves so we may be to aware in our daily lives. It's a launch pad for our spiritual path.
Level One Intuitive Reiki Private classes are taught online over a 3-week period.
Each week builds onto the other, with the 'homework' in-between each class. The last class the student receives a full Intuitive Session with me which brings it all together energetically. Also Included: a full manual, recorded meditations for the self healing practice & a certificate of completion. Students are welcome to communicate with me for further guidance if needed.
​or more information and to get a chance to meet with me, I offer a free
15-minute discovery call